Quarterly (formerly monthly) Newsletter: The CARE-SHARE Traveler
The Quarterly (formerly monthly) Newsletter of Mt. Traveler Missionary Baptist Church will be officially known as “The CARE-SHARE Traveler”
C = Creatively
A = Always
R = Reaching
E = Everywhere
S = Serving
H = Him (God)
A = Absolutely
R = Reconciling
E = Everyone (To God)
The primary goal of the Newsletter is that as a sojourner, the traveler is Creatively Always Reaching Everywhere and Serving Him (God)
Absolutely to Reconcile Everyone to God. Articles will be from different ministries and sharing the message of a caring church with ministries,
changing lives, connecting people, and creating friendships and favor with God and man. There will always be a letter from the pastor in each
monthly/quarterly Newsletter entitled “From the Pastor’s Desk”. To view any newsletter double click on the Vol#
Contact Webmaster
Mt. Traveler Missionary Baptist Church - 15160 Lee Road 188 - Waverly, AL 36879 (334)-821-4040 (Phone) (334)-821-4018 (Fax)
Mt. Traveler Missionary Baptist Church